About Me

kevin headshotI am a research scientist in the Google DeepMind Neuroscience Lab, as well as a research fellow at University College London in the CortexLab. I ask questions like “Can we understand what the brain is doing well enough to reproduce it in software?

My work involves training rodents to play structured games, then carefully studying both the choices that they make and the neural signals that underlie those choices. It also involves designing software agents that play the same games as the rodents, and using these agents as tools for understanding the brain. I’m excited about both reinforcement learning and neural networks as tools for building software agents, and about multi-level modeling as a tool for understanding experimental data.

Before moving to London, I did a PhD at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute with Carlos Brody and Matt Botvinick. My PhD work focused on understanding how the brain makes plans, with a focus on the orbitofrontal cortex and the hippocampus.

You can get in touch with me at kevinjmiller@deepmind.com or at kevin.miller@ucl.ac.uk.